Introductions Part II
Bears and Others
Hi Friends!

And you guys have met this guy! Pookie is our Molly Bear. He weighs the same amount that Charlie did (6 pounds 5.3 ounces… literally 1/3 of a pound). Pookie’s full name is Charles Peacock Bear, so since he matches, Charlie is nicknamed from the first name Charles, and Pookie is nicknamed from the 2nd name, Peacock!
These are Huginn and Muninn, named after the ravens that accompany the great Norse god Odin. These ravens are little, though! They are perfectly sized to sit on Pookie’s shoulders. Pookie wanted to be Odin for Halloween last year, but I was sick over Halloween. Maybe next year?
We got these lovelies at the Carolina Raptor Center in NC, which is pretty amazing.

This is Dexter. He’s amazing and wonderful, and my best pal for the first few months after Charlie died. They gave him to me at the hospital, and his tag said he is a “Peace Bear” (named after another little baby who died), and was meant to give me someone to hold since I couldn’t hold my Charlie on the way home. (Not sure if it’s this Peace Bear organization or not. I’ll have to check and see if I still have his tag.)

Dylan Bear is named for the giver. This bear is super soft and squishy and huggable! He spent quite a few days at the cemetery (in a bag to keep him dry, of course!). Most of the animals end up keeping me company more than Charlie, but right now there are 2 at the grave, so I guess I do try to keep him from being lonely.
Oh, and this is another new, nameless, tiger! He’s currently visiting Charlie, as is an angel-bear that I don’t have pictures of. These are both toys I bought for Charlie, which are also sized appropriately for Pookie to hold!
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