Sunflower Hat and Blanket

Sunflower Hat and Blanket

(Topic: Knitting, NICU donations)

Hi Friends!

This is a project I made at some point in the last three years, while I was in a knitting group that made blankets and hats for babies in the local NICU. I knitted quite a few, and I don’t think I’ve posted this one before! This is one I had fun inventing, particularly the hat.

The hat  with petals! It has a crocheted border. This is before I added extra “leaves” to the green part.

The blanket is crocheted, but has a similar laciness to the hat.

Extra crocheted loops on the hat for “leaves”. Some people still didn’t recognize it as a flower, but it was intended to be reminiscent of Mary Cecil’s flower fairies or Ann Geddes’ photos, and I think of it as a sunflower.

The hat tied to the blanket with a ribbon so they don’t get separated in the donation process.

 Donated blankets and hats are often basic so they’re quick to knit, and I appreciate that, but I really get bored with that after a while. This one was fun because I mixed it up and invented as I went!



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