(topic: knitting) Note This post is a “Saturday Hobby” post. During October (Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month), Wednesday (stillbirth blog themed) posts are more specifically about awareness and sharing about Pregnancy and Infant Loss. However, sticking with my usual format, Saturday posts still showcase fiber crafts I’m currently working on! Please join us again
Author: Sarah (Admin)
A Brief Glossary of Pregnancy and Infant Loss
(Topic: Loss, Terminology) Introduction This post is part of my October – Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month series of posts, meant to be shared, particularly with people who do not have infant loss in their experience. Please feel free to share the link to the blog or directly to this or any other post.(What
Continue Reading “A Brief Glossary of Pregnancy and Infant Loss”
Wave of Light
(topic: Loss, Remembrance) Wave of Light 2017 Don’t forget! TONIGHT, Monday the 15th, light a candle (or one for each baby you know) or turn on a battery candle, or light a candle at a place of worship… If we all do this in our own timezone, from 7pm to 8pm, a rolling wave of
What can I say? Ideas on how to talk to and help a grieving friend
(topic: loss, grief, communication, helping) Introduction This is a post in my series of posts honoring Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month. My goal is for these posts to be shareable – if you are a loss parent, I hope you find this post helpful to share with your friends to help them understand you,
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Notice of Delay
Hi Friends, A family emergency came up this week and I’m behind in blogging… hope to have something done by the weekend but we’ll see. Thanks for your understanding! Yours, Sarah To subscribe, find the “subscribe by email” note in the left column and enter your email there. Posts will be emailed directly to you
Music Stand Case
(Topic: Sewing) Intro Friends, although this is Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month, and this is a blog that is largely about life after a loss, this is also where I post about my hobbies – but only on Saturdays! So even for this month, I’ll be sticking to my usual format of grief/loss content
Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month
(Topic: loss, grief, awareness) What is this Awareness Month? This month is a special one in the USA, but I don’t know if other countries officially observe it. Back in 1988, President Reagan specified October as Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month (Full text of the official declaration at this link). The idea is to
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Cedarleaf Shawlette WIP Update 4
(Topic: Knitting) Hi Friends! For those of you who are new readers, my posts alternate: Saturdays are something light and usually related to my hobbies, so they are often posts about things like knitting or crafting projects. Wednesdays I post about things related to grief, the grief journey, and life after loss. Welcome and I’m
Feeding Charlie’s Memory
(Topics: Breastfeeding/pumping/lactation, grief, stillbirth) As close as he could get Dear Friends, Recently, La Leche League (LLL, the international breastfeeding help organization) posted some neat new graphics on their Facebook page: little medal/ribbon pictures, with a description of the achievement, so you could post the relevant one to your Facebook wall. Things like “Breastfed for
WIP Cedar Leaf Shawlette Part 3
(Topic: Knitting) Hi Friends! Yet another update on how the shawl is progressing. Well, I completed the body of the shawl and have moved on to the edging. The edging is made up of 30 (!) leaves, each knitted alongside and connecting to the body of the shawl, along the outside (not the neck) edge.