10 Dates That Trigger Your Grieving Friend

10 Dates That Trigger Your Grieving Friend
image of calendar with a date circled, and a pop up reminder saying "memory surfacing, acknowledge?" with two buttons to accept or ignore.

Dear friends, This is something you may not know: each month, there is a particular day on which I think of Charlie more. Not that I’m sad, per se, but he’s just on my mind more. It’s the day of the month he was born on – he was born in June 19th, so on

My Family Is Perfectly Imperfect Too: A Book Review

(Topic: Book, Children’s Book, siblings, talking about loss) Book:Perfectly Imperfect FamilyBy Amie Lands Just to be frank and up-front, I got a free advance e-copy of this book in order to be able to review, but my health prevented me from reviewing the book before it was released. The advance copy was not given with

Father’s Day Is Hard For Us

(Topic: Grief, dealing with grief, triggers, pictures, loss, stillbirth, pregnancy and infant loss) Hi Friends, Charlie was born on Father’s Day. This weekend is so, so hard for us, every year. It’s odd, how my mind works. It doesn’t know what date Thursday was that year, or Friday, or Saturday – I only remember the

Am I Strong?

(Topic: grief, strength, definitions) Hi Friends, Several times recently, I have been told I am strong. Over the last few years, it’s happened a few times more. Most frequently I have been told this by strangers, who don’t know anything about me, and who have just heard about Charlie – and if I’m not crying,

Thoughts about Easter

(Topics: Grief and Anxiety, mental health, Easter/Religion, cemeteries) Hi Friends, The other day, I spent the day with Charlie. I have been feeling really, really sad and overwhelmed lately. Sometimes, when I’m feeling heavy, it’s very hard for me to figure out why – and knowing why makes it easier for me to either live

An Angel Baby Blanket

(Topic: Stillbirth, knitting, donation) Hi Friends! Well, anxiety makes it hard to sleep and lack of sleep sometimes gives me migraines – not a great combo for sitting down and writing. That said, I actually have a completed project to show you this week! In the past I have donate blankets to the NICU, but


(Topic: Grief during the holiday season) Hi Friends, This last Sunday was the first day of Advent. In my tradition, both in my family growing up and in my church theologically, Advent is the season of preparation for Christmas. Christmas doesn’t start until December 25th, at which point the Twelve Days of Christmas start (remember

Thanksgiving with Pookie

(Topic: holidays, grief, Pookie) Hi Friends! Overall, this was an enjoyable Thanksgiving. Pookie was dressed and ready for the occasion! I couldn’t resist this little suit! Unfortunately the turkey beanie didn’t fit his head without looking ridiculous, so he asked if he could wear a different hat that matches the suit. I got out all

Wave of Light, October 15, 2018

(Topic: Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day 2018, wave of light candles) Hi Friends, I want to thank every one of you who lit a candle for a baby that was not your own, especially if you haven’t lost a baby yourself. If you think that one candle doesn’t make a difference, it does –

Empty Arms, Weighted Bears (And Bonus Halloween Pictures!)

(Topic: Weighted bears, grief, grief recovery, infant loss, also Halloween!) Our Molly Bear, one weighted bear option Introduction This is another shareable post! Please feel free to share the link to this blog or this post specifically. In honor of Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month, I am focusing on topics that will help friends