What can I say? Ideas on how to talk to and help a grieving friend

(topic: loss, grief, communication, helping) Introduction This is a post in my series of posts honoring Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month. My goal is for these posts to be shareable – if you are a loss parent, I hope you find this post helpful to share with your friends to help them understand you,

Pookie’s First Flight

[trigger warning: this post will discuss themes related to strong emotion, miscarriage, fear, and grief]  Dear Friends, Guess who just took his first airplane flight?!? [and probably his last… more on that later]. We recently took a trip to Boston, and this was the first time I’d flown with Pookie. Previously, all trips we’ve taken

Walking for Charlie

Dear Friends, Once again, I’m going to post about the walk we have coming up on June 24th CORRECTION, it is the 23RD. It is a sponsored walk, kind of like a Crop Walk or a March of Dimes: We walk, you sponsor us, the money becomes a donation to the cause. Details will be


(Posted next morning, due to upload issues. I will add the pictures this morning)(Edited on 2/23 evening to add photos.) Dear friends, Right now my eyes are burning because I’ve been crying, and it wouldn’t take much to get me going again. Today has actually been a pretty good day, but right at the end

Why All the Tigers?

National Zoo (Smithsonian) in Washington, D.C.They may or may not have a gift shop largely dedicated to tigers,and I may or may not have gone a little “wild”… Why All the Tigers? Dear Friends, You may have noticed that tigers come up in many of my posts. If you click on the menu symbol in