Book Review: Beyond the Sling, by Mayim Bialik

Hi Friends of all stripes, I’m currently reading a book. A real book, with hardly any pictures! One of the things I’ve noticed on my grief journey is that I am having a much harder time reading than I expected. This is very odd for me, given that I used to read constantly, and fly

A Little Bit of Magic in this Dreary World

Hi Friends, Today I want to talk about how I see my Charlie act in the world. I have noticed, over the weeks and months of connecting to other loss-mamas and loss-papas, that an element of grief seems to be a higher tendency to “magical thinking”. Bear with me while I explain! To have “magical”

Mother’s Day

Hi Friends, Mother’s Day fast approacheth, and you might guess that this is going to be a bit of a challenging weekend for me. Not only with Mother’s Day, but there are multiple other activities not related to that (birthdays, concerts, and such) that are making it busy too. I’m nervous. My family has never

The Adventures of Pookie – Welcome!

Hi Friends! I believe I’ve mentioned our bear before, but I wanted to give you the whole story. Last fall, I found out about a program called Molly Bears ( This organization makes teddy bears that are the exact same weight as the baby you lost (there are some other organizations that make weighted bears

What Do I Say?

**** THIS IS MY OWN EXPERIENCE AND BASED ON MY OWN PREFERENCES **** Dear Friends, You are in a conversation, and somehow it comes up that the person you are talking to has just recently had a close family member die. Ooof, that’s terrible. Furthermore, let’s say that it was their child. What do you

Sometimes, I Cry

Dear Friends, Today has been a roller-coaster of emotion. I want to talk to you about that, actually. I am speaking purely from my own experience, and everyone grieves differently. That said, I am guessing that I’m not the only one who has experienced something like this… The day is fine, but there are little

Blog Name Change from Clothespress to Charlie’s Mama

Hi Friends, Today I’m going to be changing a few things around here. First of all, to allay any fears, I will STILL BE POSTING ABOUT CLOTHING AND FIBER ARTS!!!! I love doing that waaaaay too much to give that up! But as you may have been starting to suspect, I have had some very

Infant Loss Resource

Hi Friends! Just one quick thing today. Based on my background, I have been finding out about lots of resources for parents who have experienced the loss of a child due to miscarriage, stillbirth, or infant death. I have assembled a spreadsheet to keep all the information organized in one place, and wanted to share.

Hey, Kid, Get Off My Lawn!

Summary: If someone is not like you (let’s say, they’re a different age, or race, or religion), don’t make sweeping statements. While you might (maybe) be right about a few individuals, you will be dead wrong about a whole lot more. “The children now love luxury. They have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show