What happens when I get nostalgic? I make foods I had when I was little, and take them to a whole new level. No – not culinarily! “Potato boats” the way I used to have them. It is a baked potato + cheese, on a bed of spinach “seaweed”. The sails back then weren’t quite
Category: Thoughts
New autumn, new projects
Well, greetings again to everyone who comes here to visit. It has been quite a while since I posted last… I have many reasons, but no excuse! But now that my hectic summer has settled down to a merely busy fall, I believe that you will be seeing more of me! I recently moved to
As a sidenote: I follow european soccer!
I follow Germany, partly due to my background, and partly because I lived there for a year my senior year of high school. ~Sarah
Reflections on Spinning
Well! The spinning wheel is a rousing success. Yep, no pictures today, though I’ll have some shortly.Over the weekend I’ve been spinning a lot. It is a great stress reliever, I’ve found (I had a hard weekend). On the plus side, the wheel came with four bobbins, three of which are (mostly) full!You see, I
Welcome to Sarah’s clothespress! This is where I, Sarah, will show you all of the clothing I am proud of having made, as well as sundry other items I have crafted over the years.Please peruse at your leisure, and enjoy the sights. I welcome feedback! Most sincerely yours, ~ Sarah