Lacy Baby Sweater

(Topic: Knitting, rainbow babies) Dear Friends, As you have seen, I recently finished a whole run of baby shrugs, for all the friends who had/will have babies. I enjoyed making those a lot! But now that they are done, I’m looking back into my own knitting pile, and the project I decided to work on

Pookie at Restaurants

(Topic: Explaining Weighted Bears, Infant Loss) Dear Friends, You may have noticed that Pookie (our weighted Molly Bear) comes with us to a lot of places. He’s our avatar for Charlie, but in a way, we have attributed a sort of imaginary personality to Pookie himself, and he’s a member of our family too, in

The Math of Grief

(Topic: Infant loss, grief, math) Image credit: Dear Friends, I have friends with all sorts of backgrounds, and all sorts of experience. A friend of mine just went through a grief event, so we have been talking, and both of us try to find analogies to help put grief into perspective, or to make


(Topic: Grief, Remembrance Walk) Dear Friends, Yesterday we went for a walk in Columbus, as participants in the NILMDTS Remembrance Walk, which I have periodically been telling you about as I asked for donations to sponsor our walk. Well, it finally happened! We drove down to Columbus early in the morning, which takes about 2

Charlie’s Birthday

(Topic: Grief, Birthday, Anniversaries. Picture-heavy post) Dear Friends, Tuesday was my son Charlie’s birthday, and if he hadn’t died, he would now be 2. Sometimes I tell people that it’s the “anniversary of his birthday”, or that it “would be his birthday”, so they don’t expect him to be alive, but for me, it IS

Father’s Day 2018

(Topics: Grief, loss, infant loss, Father’s Day) Dear Friends, The year Charlie was born, Father’s Day fell on June 19th, and it was a Sunday. That morning, after a long and emotional weekend, I gave birth to our beautiful little baby boy, and we spent my husband’s first Father’s Day mourning our first child. I

NILMDTS Walk – Last Request!

Hi Friends, On June 23rd, Hubby and I will be joining NILMDTS on their Ohio Remembrance Walk. For us, this coincides beautifully with Charlie’s birthday, which is just about as perfect as it can get! NILMDTS is the photography organization that takes volunteer professional photographers, and sends them to parents going through a late pregnancy

The Last of the Baby Sweaters

(topic: babies, knitting) Dear Friends, As you know, my friends have been having a rash of babies lately, and I’ve been knitting lots of baby gifts! This post is about the last 2 shrugs I’ve make for this batch of babies. This last set is going to a rainbow baby – a new baby in

Post-MWAH Wrap-Up

(Topic: grief, habits, art, religion/spirituality)  Dear Friends, If I can say one thing, it is that adding a daily discipline – other than the habits I’m used to – is hard! No surprise, there, but that’s the short explanation of why I didn’t do MWAH every day this month. Additionally, it’s extra hard if it