Learning to Reply

Dear Friends, Over the past few days, I ran into some difficult questions. Ones I’ve had asked of me before, but they have been ones that are tricky to reply to. I want to share a little success story, because I’m really happy with how I managed to reply. That said, I’m going to make

Prayer Shawl 1, and a Sunflower

Dear Friends, One of the knitting groups I’m in, which meets at a church, makes prayer shawls/lap blankets for the VA hospital in a nearby city. I’ve been in that group for close to 2 years, but somehow that project somehow rarely seemed to be on the top of my pile. Well! Yesterday I finally

Pookie’s BooBoo

 Hi Friends, I would like to share something with you. A few months ago I PANICKED. I found a place on Pookie’s face, not even at a seam, where there was a tear in his fur (probably a run from when they placed his eyes). Now, as you know from reading this blog, I am

Pocket and Bustles

Hi Friends!!! As you may have seen or heard, I recently went to a ball, so there will be several posts related to that coming up. As I was preparing for the ball, I realized that since a friend was making my ball gown (Sarah Crow, The Preacher Wife’s Gowns and Carr Antiquities (Facebook)), it

Walking for Charlie

Dear Friends, Once again, I’m going to post about the walk we have coming up on June 24th CORRECTION, it is the 23RD. It is a sponsored walk, kind of like a Crop Walk or a March of Dimes: We walk, you sponsor us, the money becomes a donation to the cause. Details will be


(Posted next morning, due to upload issues. I will add the pictures this morning)(Edited on 2/23 evening to add photos.) Dear friends, Right now my eyes are burning because I’ve been crying, and it wouldn’t take much to get me going again. Today has actually been a pretty good day, but right at the end

Valentine’s Day Baby Blanket

Valentine’s Day Baby Blanket For donation Last week, I finished this baby blanket I’ve been working on since Christmas. Planning ahead, I knew that Valentine’s Day is the next holiday that many people do, so I picked out a red and a white acrylic yarn that was soft and pretty. The pattern is simple (and

Color-Pooled Scarf

  Color-Pooled Scarf Hi Friends! I have completed another project that has been in my bag for a while now. It is a scarf, warm and pretty! Here it is while still under construction: The next picture is the center, which is the first part I did. This is the part with “Planned Color Pooling”,

Today I’m Sad

Dear Friends, Today I was lucky that hubby was off work, so after we ran some errands, we made time to go visit our little boy! I don’t think either of us has made it to the cemetery since before Christmas. It certainly feels like ages and ages. I was so excited to go! We

My Memory Gap

My Memory Gap The First 6 Months After Loss There’s a funny thing I’ve noticed. We are now at just over 1-1/2 years since Charlie died, and our lives go on being lives, even while we miss him. We travel, we work, we keep house, we even moved. But I have noticed something: for me,